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Welcome to Steyning Parish Church

Join us at St Andrew’s and St Cuthman’s

All are welcome to our ancient Parish Church. Our mission for hundreds of years has been to help the people of Steyning to know, love and follow Jesus in their everyday lives, and to support their pastoral needs as they observe rites of passage, such as baptisms, weddings and funerals. Today, we are an inclusive Christian community, welcoming everybody regardless of gender, age, social background, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability.

This week’s services

Wednesday 15 January

11:30am Midweek Eucharist

Fr Peter

Sunday 19 January: Second Sunday of Epiphany

8am Holy Communion
9:30am Music Group Eucharist
(with baptism)
4pm Agape service at the Methodist church
(no Choral Evensong)

Fr Peter
Fr Mark

Steyning & District
Churches Together

Wednesday 22 January

11:30am Midweek Eucharist

Fr Mark

Sunday 26 January: Third Sunday of Epiphany

8am Holy Communion
9:30am Sung Eucharist
6pm Taizé service 

Fr Mark
Canon Paul
Taizé team

Click here (from Saturday) for our current Sunday notice sheet.

About us

Our building

Our notable Norman church building is usually open every day – or you can click on the photograph of our reredos below to see a 360-degree online panorama of the inside of our building and its interior lighting. Nowadays our church is dedicated to two patron saints: St Andrew the Apostle, one of Jesus’ first disciples, and St Cuthman of Steyning, the renowned builder of the first Saxon wooden church on this site. 

Our Services

Please visit our SERVICES PAGE or see above to find out about our services. Videos of sermons preached in Steyning Parish Church can be viewed here.


Please click here to contact the PARISH OFFICE, or here if you wish to contact one of the CHURCHWARDENS or the VICAR


We take SAFEGUARDING very seriously; please click here if you have a concern of any kind. 

Families and Children

Our Families’ and Children’s Worker Gary Pickett liaises closely with our local Church of England Primary School and organises a number of events aimed at primary school (or younger) children and their families. 
These events include a weekly Baby and Toddler Group, ‘Little Stars’, held every Thursday morning at 9:30am in the Penfold Hall or in church.
For other family-friendly events, see our Families and Children page.

Pastoral Care 

We have recently inaugurated a small team of trained, sympathetic listeners who can provide a friendly supporting presence in the event of health problems, loneliness, loss or bereavement or anything else that causes sadness or distress.
Please feel free to find out more on our Pastoral Care page, or email us at

What's happening at Steyning Parish Church


Did you know it costs almost £500 a day to keep our church open and to provide spiritual help and inspiration to the local and wider communities? To see how you could help – even by giving us 10 minutes (about £3) please visit our donations page.

Our youtube channel

Did you know that Steyning Parish Church has its own YouTube channel, where you can subscribe to see past sermons, videos made for Steyning Primary School assemblies during Covid and our professional-standard Nativity and Vineyard videos? Click here to see more.


2025 is the year of celebration of the Christian faith across Sussex. As the new liturgical year starts on Advent Sunday, our celebrations of the Year of Faith began on 1 December.

2025 marks the 950th anniversary of the formation of the Diocese of Chichester and Chichester Cathedral and 1700 years since the Nicene Creed first emerged. 

The diocese has set up a dedicated website giving information about, and links to, the events and celebrations which will form part of this special year.  

Our deanery, Storrington, will be holding a special event on Wednesday 22 January, at Steyning Grammar School, starting at 7pm. Bishop Ruth will be presiding, our music group will be playing, and our choir taking part alongside other choirs from the deanery. Our Rural Dean has requested numbers of those likely to attend – please register your interest here.

See our bishops in a video produced by the diocese of Chichester about the Year of Faith, Chichester 950.

Interactive programmes

Click on image to open programme. The interactive programme will open in a new site.



The Friends of Steyning Parish Church invite you to click on the image to visit the Friends website for an interactive tour of our historic building
Lighting installed in 2021

Lighting installed in 2021