Our Five-Year Vision - Building Improvements
Please refresh the page on your browser if the images below are slow to load. The drawings will open in an enlarged file if you click on them. All images below are ©2021-22 Hanslip & Company Ltd. You can click here for updates on our lighting improvement projects in the church and churchyard. Or click here to find out how to make a donation. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS about these proposals, please click here to send us an email.
As an important part of our Five-Year Vision, the Parochial Church Council of St Andrew & St Cuthman, Steyning, hopes to be able to make some enhancements to our historic building to allow it to better serve the needs of the 21st century community and make it accessible to all, allowing a far wider cross-section of the public and local organisations to be able to enjoy its architectural splendour.
Plans drawn up by our Architect were presented in church at the Annual Meeting on 24 April, and, for those who could not attend the meeting, or would like to view them at length or in more detail, a selection of the drawings may be viewed via the links on this page.
These are preliminary ideas, chosen by our PCC from a number of options following an initial consultation process. We will be going out to local organisations and church groups for further consultation – then begins the processes of getting approvals and raising funds.
If you would like more information, or would like to make donation, perhaps in memory of a loved-one, please send an email to our Honorary Treasurer.
Improvements – Steyning St Andrew and St Cuthman
The drawings below from our architect, Simon Dyson have the support of our PCC and are subject to a consultation process within and outside our congregation. Please click on the plan below to download a viewable or printable PDF version of the drawing. Suggested alterations are shown in blue on the plan.
Accessible entrance
In order to provide a level access to the church, we would like to enlarge the North East door slightly to be able to accommodate wheelchairs. To reduce the draughts, a problem with the present door, and to provide a more welcoming environment for this alternative access (which would serve all those coming fom the North or East directions as well as those with limited mobility), we wish to construct a porch, entered through an East-facing door. The porch would include an accessible WC, as the existing WC in the South Porch can only be accessed via steps.
To complete the picture, the floor will be levelled to avoid steps and the gangway between pews on the North side increased in width – probably by removing the pews in the North aisle, which would give a useful clear space for children and events. Chairs would be provided to maintain the seating capacity. The sketch shows a more contemporary design (‘Option One’) or click here to see a more traditional design (‘Option Two’).
Click on each thumbnail to download a printable PDF drawing.
New boiler house
Our heating consultant advises that our existing heating boiler still has a good number of years’ life remaining, and it would not be economical to replace it at this stage. However, the existing installation does not meet current fire protection standards, and to upgrade it would cost several thousand pounds; about the same as repositioning the boiler in an external boiler house.
Moving the boiler from under the tower would create usable space (see below). Our architect proposes a new boiler house in the NW corner of the church, one option for which is shown on the right.
Click on the thumbnail to download a printable PDF.
New boiler house
Our heating consultant advises that our existing boiler still has a good number of years’ life remaining, and it would not be economical to replace it at this stage. However, the existing installation does not meet current fire protection standards, and to upgrade it would cost several thousand pounds; about the same as repositioning the boiler in an external boiler house.
Moving the boiler from under the tower would create usable space (see below). Our architect proposes a new boiler house in the NW corner of the church, one option for which is shown on the right.
Click on the thumbnail to download a printable PDF.
We are well aware that the existing arrangements for serving refreshments after services or at events are inconvenient and potentially hazardous. The relocated central-heating boiler (see above) creates more space under the tower for a kitchen area, as well as a relocated vestry, with a serving hatch incorporated in the present screen beneath the organ. Two variations are shown in the adjacent sketches.
Click on the thumbnails to download a printable PDF of either option.
Repositioned font
To create more space at the servery, and to improve the aesthetics on entry to the church, so that the entrance, font and war memorial are in alignment, our architect proposes moving the font eastwards, and removing the rearmost five pews (three on the north and two on the south) from the nave. Chairs will be provided to maintain seating capacity when needed.
Click on the thumbnail to download a printable PDF.