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Our weekly email bulletin is sent to all registered members of the church who have requested it, and can be viewed online here.
Children’s Church
Exciting news – children’s church relaunches on 26 January Our new look Children’s Church began on Sunday 26 January. It takes place on the first and fourth Sundays of the month. Our sessions will include crafts, teaching and worship. We will start in church at the 9.30 service then head out to our group and […]
Deanery Celebration
Chichester Diocese Year of FaithThe celebration service for our deanery was held in Steyning, in the Steyning Grammar School Drama Hall, with Bishop Ruth (Bishop of Horsham) presiding, on 22 January 2025. Our music group provided the music, and our choir joined others from the deanery for a special sung version of St Richard’s Prayer.
Deanery service
Chichester 950 celebrations We are honoured to be holding the celebration service for our deanery in Steyning, with Bishop Ruth (Bishop of Horsham) presiding. As we have one of the country’s largest CofE schools here in Steyning, it is fitting that the service will take place here (see also below).