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We are uploading sermons as preached live on Sunday mornings.
Sermons before Advent 2023 may be viewed on our YouTube channel.
Refresh the page if you can’t see all of the videos. Please CLICK ON THE TITLE within each video to watch a sermon on a full screen, or click here to view all of our videos on our YouTube Channel


Candlemas (8 minutes) – Fr Peter
Epiphany 3 (7 minutes) Canon Paul
Epiphany 2 (8 minutes) – Fr Mark
Baptism of Christ (Epiphany 1) – Canon Nigel (8 minutes)
Epiphany (11 minutes) – Fr Mark
Christmas 1 (9 minutes) – Canon NIgel
Epiphany (11 minutes) – Fr Mark
Christmas 1 (9 minutes) – Canon NIgel
Christmas Day (13 minutes) – Canon Nigel (The majority of this video is in audio only to comply with privacy and safeguarding policies)
Midnight Mass (9 minutes) – Fr Mark


Fourth Sunday in Advent (10 minutes) – Fr Mark
Third Sunday of Advent (16 minutes) – Fr Mark
Second Sunday in Advent (8 minutes) – Fr Peter
Advent Sunday (15 minutes) – Fr Mark


Christ the King (20 minutes) – Revd Andrew Smith
2nd before Advent (13 minutes) – Fr Mark
Remembrance Sunday (12 minutes) – Fr Mark
All Saints’ Sunday (16 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Last Sunday after Trinity (Bible Sunday – 6 minutes) – Canon Paul
Harvest Festival (19th after Trinity – 8 minutes) – Gary
18th after Trinity (12 minutes) – Fr Mark Heather
17th after Trinity (7 minutes) – Canon Paul
16th after Trinity (13 minutes) – Fr Mark
15th after Trinity (12 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Trinity 14 (13 minutes) – Fr Mark Heather
Trinity 13 (16 minutes) – Fr Mark Heather
Trinity 12 (15 minutes) – Fr Mark Heather
Trinity 11 (15 minutes) – Canon Nigel Hartley
Trinity 10 (13 minutes) – Fr Mark Heather
Trinity 9 (12 minutes) – Fr Mark
Trinity 8 (9 minutes) – Canon Nigel Hartley
Trinity 7 (9 minutes) – Fr Peter
Trinity 6 (9 minutes) – Fr Mark

For the Fifth Sunday after Trinity (30 June 2024), in place of the sermon, we enjoyed another in our series of ‘Sharing Stories’ interviews (15 minutes), with Canon Nigel Hartley interviewing Neil, a member of our choir and music group, an organist, and retired consultant. 

Trinity 4 (9 minutes) – Fr Mark
Trinity 3 (8 minutes) – Fr Mark
Trinity 2 (12 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Trinity 1 (13 minutes) – Revd Steve Gurr
Trinity Sunday (11 minutes) – Canon Nigel

Easter to Pentecost

Pentecost (11 minutes) – Fr Mark
Easter 7 (8 minutes) – Fr Peter

For the Sixth Sunday of Easter (5 May 2024), in place of the sermon, we enjoyed another in our series of ‘Sharing Stories’ interviews, with Sarah Lavery interviewing Malcolm Donaldson, a member of our Music Group. Click below to hear the audio recording (13 minutes). The interview begins after 40 seconds of introductions to other members of Malcolm’s and Julia’s family.

Easter 5 (5 minutes) – Canon Paul
Easter 4 (6 minutes) Fr Mark
Easter 3 (10 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Easter 2 (10 minutes) Fr Peter

Candlemas to Easter

Holy Week Meditations

Monday 25 March – Fr Mark


Tuesday 26 March – Canon Nigel


Wednesday 27 March – Fr Peter

Easter Day (9 minutes) Fr Mark
Palm Sunday (19 minutes) St Mark Dramatised Passion
Lent 5 (12 minutes) – Fr Mark
Mothering Sunday / Lent 4 (11 minutes) Canon Nigel

For the Third Sunday of Lent (3 March 2024), in place of the sermon, we enjoyed another in our series of ‘Sharing Stories’ interviews, with Christine Aubrey interviewing John Edwards from our choir.

Lent 2 (6 minutes) – Canon Paul
Lent 1 (15 minutes) – Fr Mark
Sunday next before Lent (13 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Cuthmantide (10 minutes) – Fr Mark
Candlemas (9 minutes) – Fr Mark

Christmas to Candlemas

Epiphany 3 (11 minutes) – Fr Mark
Epiphany 2 (15 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Epiphany (11 minutes) – Fr Mark
Christmas 1 (10 minutes) – Fr Mark

Advent to Christmas

Christmas Day (10 minutes) – Canon Nigel
Advent 4 (5 minutes) – Canon Paul
Advent 3 (10 minutes) – Fr Mark

For the Second Sunday of Advent (10 December 2023), in place of the sermon, we enjoyed another in our series of ‘Sharing Stories’ interviews: ‘The Two Nigels’ (9 minutes) – Canon Nigel Hartley interviewing Nigel Willis from our choir.

Advent Sunday (13 minutes) – Fr Mark

Audio recordings

For All Saints Sunday (5 November 2023), in place of the sermon, we enjoyed another in our series of ‘Sharing Stories’ interviews. This time it is the turn of Jackie Flowers-Leek, who answers questions from Sarah Lavery.

Second Sunday of Easter, 16 April 2023

There was no sermon today because the Annual Parish Church Meeting took place immediately following the 9.30 Music Group Eucharist. Instead, we have a recording of the dramatised Gospel for today (4 minutes long), words by Sarah Lavery (from St John), narrated by Wendy Francis with the children as disciples, Fiona as Jesus and Simon as Thomas.

Third Sunday of Easter, 23 April 2023

This was the first of ‘Sharing Stories’ our congregational discussions which are planned to take place on the first Sunday of the month (except for 7 May, which is the Coronation Service). These will not be videoed, but transcripts will be published. An audio file (11 minutes long) is available below.

Fifth Sunday of Easter, 7 May 2023

On this Sunday, we celebrated the coronation of King Charles III with a special service. Fr Mark’s video sermon is available on the YouTube channel, or you can hear an audio recording of the service (65 minutes, including the organ voluntary at the end) below. 

Our recording starts with the Call to Worship, which was preceded by the hymn ‘Praise my soul, the King of Heaven’. We did not record our choir and congregation singing this hymn, but below is an audio recording of the hymn from the Church of England’s ‘A Church Near You’ resource hub.

Christmas Sermons at Steyning

Canon Paul Rampton’s sermon on Christmas morning and Bishop Martin’s Christmas message can be viewed below. Bishop Martin’s Message (3 minutes) focuses on how the star over the stable reminds us of our place in the universe. We suggest you skip the advertisement at the beginning.
An audio recording of Fr Mark’s sermon at Midnight Mass (seven minutes) is available here.

My Lighthouse

We are pleased to be able to bring you an audio recording of our music group with the children from the congregation singing (and signing) a song from the 16 October Music Group Eucharist – My Lighthouse (three minutes long; please reload the page if the audio link is not visible below): 

Troubleshooting for Videos on this site

These videos should replay without problems if your browser is up-to-date, although we are aware of the following issues:

  • I can see most but not all of the videos. Try refreshing the page more than once.If the problem persists, either browse the homilies on our YouTube channel, or simply send us an email advising us which video you would like to watch.
  • I can view the video okay on the website but my browser won’t display a fullscreen picture. Some web browsers do not support a full screen view for embedded videos. Click on the title within the video frame to view it on our on our YouTube Channel. (If you are viewing on a smartphone, try watching the video horizontally.)
  • I can see the picture but cannot hear the soundtrack. Just a few of these videos will not play the soundtrack on some smartphones. If you have this problem, we suggest you try again on a tablet or larger computer. Alternatively a typed transcript can be sent to you on request.