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On this page you will find photographs of the remaining pictoral stained glass in our building, all of which was installed between 1900 and 1914. For an overview of the stained glass in our church, you can visit the entry for Steyning Parish Church on Church Stained Glass Records website. See below for the link to our stained glass pages index. Click on any of the images below to enlarge the photographs. 

‘Blessed are the pure in heart’

Date: after 1909
Location: south aisle
Lights: 2
Maker: Jones and Willis (Signed)
Donor: In memory of Lt Col Robert Ingram
(died 1909), from his family.
Blessed are the pure in heart’ [Matthew 5:8]
‘In loving memory of Lt Colonel Igram JP Late 97 and 100 Regt who served his country in the Crimea and Indian Mutiny. Fell asleep Oct 28 1909. This window is erected by his loving wife and children.’

Adoration and Presentation

Date: 1909
Location: West end of south aisle
Lights: 2 (i) Adoration of Magi; (ii) Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Maker: Jones and Willis (Signed)
Donor: Given by those baptised & confirmed.
‘They presented unto him gifts’ [From Matthew 2:11]
‘Mine eyes have seen thy salvation’
[Luke 2:30]
‘This window was given to the glory of God and the beautifying of His House by those baptized and confirmed during the Vicariate of A Congreve Pridgeon BA supplemented by the offerings of Steyning communicants.’

Light of the World; Good Shepherd [1902]

[Image and text to follow.]