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Our Churchyard

Churchyard (FOSPC)

Our Churchyard is a quiet and tranquil place, and a haven for wild flora and fauna.

For over 40 years, it has been closed for new burial plots, and responsibiity for maintenance now rests with Horsham District Council. We have an arrangement with the Council’s contractors that certain areas are regularly strimmed, while other parts are deliberately kept in a ‘wilder’ state to encourage the rich diversity of nature. We recognise that not everybody likes to see this sort of growth of vegetation, so if there is a particular plot that relatives etc want to visit regularly, they may contact the parish office and our volunteer Churchyard team will keep a pathway open.

Our volunteer team meets regularly, usually on one or two Wednesdays per month and other times by arrangement, to keep the paths clear, control weed growth, and carry out surveys of  plant and insect habitats. We are always looking for additional help – please get in touch with the churchwardens if you can help.

The abundance of wildlife, and our efforts in preserving this, have contributed to the award to St Andrew’s and St Cuthman’s of a Silver Eco Church plaque by conservation organisation A Rocha. 

Graveyard Gossips

Several of those interred in our churchyard have stories to tell. Our frends at Steyning Museum have put togther an audio tour of some interesting graves, including those of a smuggler, a suffragette and several soldiers. You need a smartphone with the Echoes app. Find out more at this page on the museum website.