As well as our Families and Children outreach, we have a number of initiatives aimed at the wider community, and in particular our adult congregation.
House Groups
We have a number of House Groups where people meet for prayer, study, discussion and friendship, often at the home of one of the members.
If you would you like to learn more about the Bible’s teaching and reflect on our shared faith, meeting regularly with others in a spirit of friendship please consider joining one of our house groups. Currently these meet at the following times and would be pleased to welcome you (if they have spaces – some are full, being limited by available seating space)
• Grove House Group: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10.00am
• Penfold Hall Tuesday Group: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10.00am
• Penfold Hall Wednesday Group: 1st Wednesdays at 7.30pm
New groups are in the course of formation – for any enquiries please contact the Church office or phone 01903 813276.
Prayer Group
Anyone can ask for prayers from our church. This can be by writing the request using the prayer tree on the north east side of the church, by speaking directly with Fr Mark or one of the church wardens or by phoning or emailing the Parish Office.
The prayer group is a small group which meets once a month in each other’s homes. We follow a simple pattern of prayer and readings and offer up the names, taken from all the above sources and from the weekly church bulletin and those in need who are known to us
For questions about the prayer group, please contact Mary, c/o the Parish Office, 01903 813276
Are you new to church, or to the Christian faith? If so, please contact Catherine on 01903 815883 to find out what courses are currently available.
If you would like to join a Confirmation Class, please contact the Vicar.
St Andrew’s Men’s Society (SAMS)
SAMS is a group of male members of Steyning Parish Church and guests, meeting in the Penfold Hall, beginning with a glass or two of wine and nibbles before a talk. Meetings are held approximately every eight weeks.
Contact Len Warner, 01903 812752.
Grief café
- Are you feeling alone?
- Have you been affected by any kind of loss?
- Would you like to be with people who understand and can help?
We offer a safe space, on the second Friday of each month, from 2pm to 4pm, in the Penfold Hall. You can talk – or just listen. We will not judge.
- Never mind how recent or how long ago, we can all be affected by loss.
- Everybody welcome, regardless of faith, any or none.
Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.