Growing the Household of Faith
Growing the Household of Faith
We are now coming to the end of our involvement in Chichester Diocese’s church growth programme, ‘Great is thy Faithfulness’, also known as ‘Growing the Household of Faith’.
As one of eight parishes chosen by the Bishop and the diocesan Department for Apostolic Life, Steyning Parish Church has been working in close collaboration with St Mary & St James in Littlehampton, under the direction of Canon Jack Dunn, Canon Precentor of Chichester Cathedral.
The programme has been challenging at times, but has been highly beneficial in helping us discover ways in which we can increase our outreach and be more involved, more welcoming and more inclusive, without major changes to our already successful formula of combining traditional and more modern styles of worship.
You may have noticed some small changes already – there will be more to follow as the PCC, clergy and Churchwardens put into practice the insights we have gained.
The most important message we have received is the power of prayer – please pray with us to help deepen our own faith and bring it to more people, throughout the whole community.