June 1/2 events
Special events in church for the weekend of 1/2 June
Organ Extravaganza
Saturday 1 June, 4pm, in church. Free admission, but with a retiring collection for the Friends of Steyning Parish Church, in aid of the building improvements.
Brian Sawyer, director of Music at Steyning Parish Church, plays several popular pieces of organ music, incuding ‘Three pieces in Jazz Style’ composed recently by the Canadian organist Denis Bedard and finishing with the very popular piece by Mons Leidvin Takle: ‘Power of Life’.
An audio recording of the concert is available below;
Special Sung Eucharist to include commissioning of the Steyning Parish Church pastoral care team
Sunday 2 June, 9.30am, guest preacher is Revd Steve Gurr, former Chaplain to St Barnabas House Hospice and currently Chaplain to Ford Prison, who kindly facilitated the team’s training.
Steyning Festival Closing Service
Churches Together in Steyning & District, Steyning Festival special service on Sunday 2 June at 6pm (NB not 6:30pm as stated in the printed programme). This will include an interview with the Chair of the Festival, a reprise of some poetry and music performed during the past week, and choral and organ music written by Rutter, Stanford, Takle and Vaughan Williams.